Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Chapter 14

After she’d gone I got undressed and got in bed. All of a sudden I heard a knock on the door. I hoped it wasn’t my door they were knocking on, but I knew damn well it was. I knew who it was too. I’m psychic. I finally opened the door and old Sunny, the girl from before and Maurice were stood there. When I spoke my voice was shaking like hell. It was about the 5 bucks they said I owed them. God, my heart was damn near beating me out of the room. They acted like they owned the place. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t had my pyjamas on. He kept asking for the money but I wouldn’t give it to him. Next thing, Sunny got my wallet and got 5 bucks out. All of a sudden I started to cry. I’d give anything if I hadn’t., but I did. Maurice gave me a shove. I called him a goddamn dirty moron and then he smacked me.
After they’d gone I was imagining going downstairs with an automatic and shooting Maurice. It was like something out of a goddamn movie. They can ruin you. I’m not kidding.
I finally got back into bed, but I felt like committing suicide. Just jumping out of the window. I didn’t want a bunch of stupid rednecks looking at me when I was all gory though.

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